Neveskin - The temperature controlled massage that smooths, tones, soothes, and rejuvenates
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Introduction to Soothing with Neveskin

Using protocols developed by Dr. Kay Minniear, a chiropractor doctor, the Neveskin machine has a portfolio of options designed to address concerns ranging from minor aches, soreness, and discomfort to performance and inflammation.

Treatment times range from 15 minutes to 30 minutes and can begin immediately after an injury, or they can be started on an injury that is weeks or months old.

Protocols are targeted to the area of concern — differing for issues with your head & neck, small joints (elbows & knees), or large joints (shoulders & knees). The Soothing Protocols can help!

25% off all Soothing appointments in September

The best introduction to Soothing with Neveskin is to make an appointment and experience it. And we are ready to help you experience it with 25% discount for sessions booked in September.

Contact us today for more information.

These moon drop grapes taste better than tey look--and are a healthy snack to supplement your spa visits
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How I beat the grocery store dilemma

Have you ever run to the grocery store for a gallon of milk and found yourself thinking a gallon of ice cream or your favorite cupcake would be a better reward for today’s Pickleball workout?  Welcome to my world!

I went to the store the other day and faced that dilemma. They make it so easy to find the snacks: middle aisles, end caps, checkout area. Sugary snacks everywhere you turn!  

This time, instead of heading to the bakery or the frozen dessert aisle, I marched over to the fruits and vegetables. Mind you, I haven’t gotten to the point that I consider okra to be a proper reward, but at least I avoided the heavily-sweetened aisles.

There, in the produce area, I found something called “moon drop grapes.” They are aptly named, assuming grapes grown on the moon look like dark purple table grapes that dripped down to twice their normal length. Like if Salvador Dali had painted surrealistic grapes instead of his “melting clocks.”

I’m constantly looking for ways to enhance my sessions at the spa. We often talk about the importance of exercise to make those sessions more effective—but diet is important too. This small change from sugary treats to this healthy fruit shaves off a few calories (yes, fruit has sugar, but it also has fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients), and reducing calories translates to reducing inches.

I sat my new snack on the seat beside me on the way home. The verdict: Sweet, juicy, delicious, and very satisfying! I ate half the bag on the way home and—more importantly—I didn’t miss my ice cream at all!

Spring showers , May flowers, and beautiful weather: Time to get ready for Summer at MidMo Cryo
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Get ready for Summer with a soothing spa visit

After a hard day of work or exercise, relax with a soothing visit to MidMo Cryo.

The weather is turning nice and that means you’re probably spending more time outdoors. Maybe it’s time on the courts (tennis, racquetball, or, my favorite, Pickleball). Or maybe you’re outdoors working in the yard…or just working on a tan. 

Whatever you’re doing, keep it up! Exercise is great whatever form it takes. 

And after all that exercise, why not relax with a Soothing session at MidMo Cryo?

Soothing sessions are designed to help ease discomfort from vigorous activity.

Have you ever been (paradoxically) too tired to sleep? Imagine being comfortable enough to fall asleep quickly after a hard day. Deep rest helps you feel better and be better. 

Check out the testimonials on our home page. See how Soothing sessions have helped others. MidMo Cryo can help you. And while you’re at it, book a series of Shaping sessions so you’ll look and feel your best this Summer.

What have you got to lose but inches!

Relax with a soothing treatment at MidMo Cryo Spa
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The perfect gift for Mother’s Day: A soothing spa visit

Looking for a Mother’s Day gift idea? Give her a gift certificate for the MidMo Cryo Spa!

We offer soothing treatments that relieve the pain from work or exercise. Nothing compares to the precisely controlled temperature applied by our certified cryo sculpting technicians.

Or consider facials for you and Mom. Our facial sessions help brighten, contour, firm, and lift. Let us help you and Mom look your best for the big day!

Right now, buy one facial and get 50% off the second. Offer Expired – Watch for future offers!

Use the Contact/Booking form and indicate you need a gift certificate. We will make you a beautiful certificate, suitable for framing (but better for using!) and get it to you right away.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to schedule a session for yourself.